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Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

Enumerator evaluates child education using a tablet in Jordan

Tetra Tech employs data-driven decision-making and works to advance the international development field by learning and sharing sound evidence about effective approaches.

At Tetra Tech, we measure and document knowledge to improve performance. We measure the impact of project work, then use that information to promote results-based management and decision-making. Our team designs, manages, and delivers complex, large-scale research projects around the world, working with donors, governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), universities, foundations, and private businesses. We carry out high-quality independent evaluations and impact assessments and build robust monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems, both for clients and for our own projects, ensuring that rigorous M&E is embedded in all our work. We work in a range of developed and developing countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, including many conflict-affected states.

In addition to our work with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the work of our team in the United Kingdom and Europe covers European Union policy, economic growth, private sector development, governance, security and justice, and human and social development.

Group of community members stand in a meeting space in Colombia

Strategic Planning

Our strategic planning practice matches objectives, the right mix of resources for achieving them, disciplined thinking about cause and effect, and sound approaches for measuring and learning from progress using verifiable metrics. We are known worldwide for helping organizations apply proven aids for strategic planning, including results-based management tools and the Logical Framework Approach—the development industry’s tool of choice for strategic planning, approving, and evaluating projects.

Man in a high visibility vest conducts a household survey, entering data on his tablet while a man and his son sit and watch

Performance Monitoring

Our performance monitoring practice develops clear statements of intended results and creates valid, reliable, and actionable performance indicators. Our team uses digital data visualization to support decision-making and consistently measure a project’s performance against the indicators. Through our project work, we have assisted USAID with an upgrade of performance monitoring training modules used across the Agency. We also have produced an NGO Sustainability Index for USAID’s Europe and Eurasia Bureaus, which tracks changes in institutional capacity across the region.

A group of people in Jordan sit around a meeting table marking up a large piece of paper together


We carry out independent performance and process evaluations to help hold programs to account and identify learning, while our impact assessments help measure long-term success. We assess value-for-money and help identify the secondary benefits of development programs. In addition to being a leading supplier for the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, Tetra Tech also conducts approximately 50 evaluations, assessments, and special studies annually under ongoing USAID Mission and Bureau-level MEL support projects.

Two women stand close together looking at a piece of paper in Vietnam

Applied Research

We work with project stakeholders to understand what type of evidence is required, by whom, when, and for what use, so that our M&E solutions collect the right data, at the right time, for the right purpose. Our approach integrates evaluation into each stage of the project life cycle and produces evidence that is reliable, meaningful, and useful.

Learn more about the MEL services of our team in the United Kingdom and Europe, Indo-Pacific, and at MSI, A Tetra Tech Company.

Connect with us. Reach out to our international development experts.

Our featured monitoring, evaluation, and learning highlights

A Ukrainian flag and an American flag fly against a blue sky in front of a building

Evaluating Foreign Assistance Delivery in Ukraine

Aerial view of the Timor-Leste coastline where Tetra Tech is conducting an MCC project

Evaluating the Feasibility of Water Infrastructure Improvements in Timor-Leste

A video featuring the USAID Jordan Monitoring and Evaluation Support Project's Apprenticeship Program

Tetra Tech is Supporting the Next Generation of Evaluation Experts in Jordan

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