Alternative Waste Disposal Technologies

Available Technology Identification
Tetra Tech works with clients throughout North America, Europe, and Asia to assess the applicability of new waste conversion technologies implemented throughout the world. We understand the requirements, economics, opportunities, and limitations of the leading technologies currently in use.
- Organic waste composting
- Anaerobic digestion
- Gasification
- Pyrolysis
- Biogas to vehicle fuel (compressed natural gas)
- Mass burn
- Refuse derived fuel (RDF)
- Hydrolysis and fermentation (waste-to-ethanol)
- Autoclave and mechanical processing

Feasibility Analysis
Tetra Tech conducts feasibility assessments to match alternative disposal technologies to a client’s specific goals and constraints. We have completed more than 100 waste conversion projects in the United States and Canada and analyze established and emerging technologies to help clients select the best solution to meet their needs and circumstances.
- Cost and benefit analysis
- End product market analysis
- Siting studies
- Regulatory, legal, and policy constraints evaluation
- Technical feasibility assessments
- Environmental impacts and benefit assessments
- Social impact assessments

Tetra Tech provides permitting, design, and construction management support throughout the implementation phase of alternative disposal technology development projects. We tailor our project services to fit the goals and needs of the project and position the project to take advantage of financial incentives from domestic and international subsidies and tax credits currently available in the rapidly growing renewable energy economy.
- Owner’s engineer
- Engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC)
- Design, build, own, operate, and maintain
Connect with us. Reach out to our integrated solid waste solutions experts.